Monday, April 21, 2008

Of the thing i see most.......

Thank god its not my Face, am not that paranoid about my looks....
No, its not my Phone a close contender though...
Cricket? well it comes close but not the chart topper..
my Hands, interesting thought , they are always in the picture YES, but never in the center. So, NO...
Dreams/Zilch well i sleep for 7-8 hours everyday so, technically we have a winner but, NO that is not where this buildup is heading, how do i know? Cause well i had decided the theme of this blog even before I started typing. So lets say Dreams are a close second.
So what is it then? Are you still reading? Are you that curious? Well we as species are, so you, are forgiven.
What i see the most is in fact the Wallpaper on my laptop.

Now whoever came up with this concept ( No i do not know the name, and Yes, i do not use Google to fill up this blog) clearly had one thing in mind, Personalization, thats what after all makes us humans happy. The feeling that we own something and that we can do whatever with it, No do not even think about contradicting it, We all do it, and We all know it.

What a wallpaper offers is much more than the above mentioned "feel good effect", peace of mind, a window for our dreams, a personal statement, a reminder, a goal; are a few facets of it that come to my mind.

"Spoilt for Choice" is very appropriate in this regard. There are after all a billion of them out there and Yes, they are all "Free". Getting lost in the myriads of themes , trying to do justice with every single one you come across and like( Gandhji you Rock), trying to find Yourself in one of them, trying to change, cause well we may chew nails for an entire lifetime, but changing wallpapers and shoes is a "Fundamental Right", again it only reflects how short lived are our emotions and how desperately we all want something "Better".

I have always been fascinated by nature and my personal comfort, by the latter i mean dark( with respect to color) wallpapers for the times i have a headache(and thats a lot of times) and i want as minimum contrast as possible, the former is an answer to all my calls, dreams, places i wish to visit, how i can sit on a bench under an overcast sky and enjoy the greenery around, how i can watch National Geographic for ours and not complain; All of them.

So as a tribute to all the wallpapers out there, here are some of them that i truly adore. Of course you all have favorites and may not like the the following but at the end of the day whats important is that, You are the one "Reading", and I am the one Publishing.

well these two i think are what butterfly's have as roofs, and if i were to have my dining table on one leaf and living room on another ...sigh

open sky as far as your eyes can see, being a delhiite, standing in a lush green open field with blue sky all around is well next to impossible, but this one's gonna happen sometime soon.

how bout this as a jacuzzi, that light has so many forms, leaves so many textures, and both together can create such magic.

this one's of a glacier in Iceland, if i were to camp someplace this will be it.

A cruise up to the arctic and down to the antarctic, one of the many things that rule my wish list. This picture just shows how even the arctics best predator is beautiful from a distance, and thats how nature always wanted it to be.

on a beach with a novel and a pinacolada, white sand, clear water, what gizmo can give you such a pleasure .....

into the tropics with diversity all around...

even as i finish with this post i feel refreshed, why earth is a beautiful planet, I now know, All Over Again!