Monday, May 19, 2008

Of the need for change....

I was flirting with this idea for a long time now, that of getting this haircut, finally yesterday i did go through with it. And it feels great. As i look back, i do want to find some reasons as to why i wanted this cut in the first place.

Change is good, its refreshing and well it serves its purpose by breaking the monotony. Getting up every morning and seeing the same old face staring back at you again and again and again can get to you, well it did and i thought to myself......

It was an exam night and i had been mugging all day, by the time it was 12:00 under the star's, my head was aching, oops understatement, It was about to Explode. As i clenched my hair that night out of sheer frustration....

I was running at about 11 km/hr and what was annoying me was not the speed or the aching muscles, but the hair, that just wont stay put. As i for the infinite time pulled them back....

So, now as i sit back and use the power of thought , i can say with a lot of certainty that this change in my visage is primarily to cater to my comfort. Secondarily to boast about the power i have to change at least something in this world.

Well now as i have successfully gone back in the hindsight, It is time now to listen to people as they pontificate. The hair dresser "Sir, so many months of hard work and you want to chop them all of in one go!", "funny"!!. A bloke compared me with "langda tyagi" a character played by Saif ali khan in a film called "Omkara", now if i thought this was insulting i clearly did not foresee this coming, "you look like Shikhar Dhawan", if only i didn't know who he was i wouldn't have taken, Offense. But even as i maintained my stand that this was due to the above mentioned reasons, An ambassador of bollywood came right in my face and
" Dude! the film is not even out and you've already copied him!"
Now what "film" and who "him" was what i was thinking and bang
"Man you sure are bollywood crazy!!",
now it was getting out of control i finally plead ignorance and asked the questions
"what film" and "who him",
what followed is the most "looked down upon look" I've ever come across,
"You haven't seen the promos of Ghajini, he looks smashing!!",
I thought he was going to hit me wen i asked
"who is looking smashing",
then he passed the final judgment
"(smirking) Dont lie to me , You copied Aamir!! and now you are acting smart!!!"

well i just wished i had been Smarter and worn a CAP.