Sunday, October 24, 2010


Cant believe am back in blogosphere after 2 long years......talking to oneself is not a virtue many appreciate, all the more putting "things on paper" is equally popular in the corporate and the educational world. TO think about it, even marriages have to be registered so basically "Word of mouth" breathes only in the marketing circles anymore. So where were we, i really do not get why articles have to be about a single topic, thought, blink, even Life in larger sense of life is ephemeral, then why cant a single thought inspire 3 lines and burn out rather than fade away in a page. There are points in time when you feel Troy, you think you can control your life, there is another line of though however as to how everything is planned, and that what you do or not do as an individual is nothing but a note in the symphony that someone somewhere had composed. Question is, if someone did compose!! who are the ones enjoying it? Its true! every note is a firefly, happy to live/die next to someone similar. So essentially we are living in an Anarchy, where everyone is expected to do what is best for him/herself, so as to improve the weighted average. Is it not apparent as to how rare a new invention/discovery/thought has become lately? Or those born in the earlier centuries plucked the low hanging fruits like Mathematics/physics et all. So races have to continuously try harder to be defined, fair enough! Gosh had to do something!!! but first I should ensure that atleast someone should go through the pain of reading this..! Google