Saturday, March 1, 2008

Michael Clayton : A Review

its a saturday..and maugham has tested my patience and Yes he wins...not that i blame him..first 40 pages of a novel havnt ever been interesting unless its forsyth or may be even puzo...and so i stumble upon Michael had been lying around for some time now....and like ne good wine..was smelling here it is....!!!

bring ur gray matter along for this one...cause u'll need it...
10 minutes into it....."what the f*** is goin on..."
20 ............................." for christ's sake is it a sudoku"
nd then u realize y thy dnt/cant make such a chef d'oeuvre in India... a gasping start....u jus sitback nd enjoy the screenplay cause well the story is far beyond you at this point...a surprisingly subdued george clooney(those who'v seen Intolerable cruelty will relate )....nd nter Tom wilkinson....the energy that he exudes...the desparation nd u wana catch on to everyword he says cause u too at this point r desparate.... :) !!!

The story is at best plebian..but its the screenplay tht binds you....Tilda Swinton got the oscar for best supporting actress nd yes she desrved it...the nervous energy that she ooozes throught the flick is admirable.....80minutes into it nd the pieces finally strt to fall in their places nd u appreciate the simplicity of it earth shattering secret nd minimal fuss....a real life plot, for some even cliched....but tht is where u realize wat a gr8 job Tony Gilroy, the director has done in directing this film.....

Dont waach it if u hav a headache or for action or popcorn..there is no superhero or an enthralling climax...but if u appreciate cinema nd its subtleties..this one's for u....
Nominated for 7 oscars........won 1( Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role)...but deserved atleast 2 screenplay nd best actor in a supporting role....Michael clayton brings to life..."A legal janitor's life"

Rating : 8/10

1 comment:

thesharma said...

nice movie and so is it your write up about it.....good start.